Tooth Jewellery
TOOTH JEWELLERY is the latest thing to add a sparkle to your dazzling whites, you can now have a sparkling crystal glass design or something in gold or a twinkle of ruby or maybe an aquamarine blue diamond shining on your tooth. These tiny tooth accessories are great fun and add a zing to your pearlies!!!!
The tooth jewellery used and the procedure for applying it are absolutely safe! The application is a very simple 15 minute procedure. Just like an orthodontic bracket, the design is bonded on to your tooth structure.You can have it removed at any time, or simply replace it with another one. Since there is no drilling involved (it is directly bonded to the tooth surface), it does'nt harm your teeth and is absolutely painfree!.
At Suraj Dental Clinic, you can have a lot of designs to choose from.
Suraj Dental Clinic are available in two colours and two sizes crystal and sapphire blue. THE KRYST are SWAROVSKI CRYSTALS that are specially treated making them ready for dental use so that they easily attach and can be easily removed without causing any damage to your natural tooth. Kryst has a spectacular collection of 12 colours and 3 different sizes from where you can pick your favourite colour and design.
These tooth accessories can give you an enchanting dazzle without worrying about brushing, eating or the sparkling crystals becoming dull or changing colour. So now get ready to spice up your smile and get noticed in parties or any special occasion and besides all this, it costs a little more than peanuts!!!